Center for Applied Research & Evaluation

The Center for Applied Research and Evaluation assists organizations and communities in developing clarity about the need for and effectiveness of their efforts or services. 

Est. 1984, Join us in celebrating 40 years at CEI - Graphic


We work closely with organizations to ensure our research and evaluation is responsive to their needs.


Our evaluations help you target your work, document the effects, and determine what changes to pursue.


We provide expertise, collaboration, user-friendly reports, actionable data and so much more.


CEI researchers and facilitators have experience to support your next community health assessment or community health planning.


We are excited to partner with you and provide tools to help you reach your community and better accomplish your goals. Contact us directly with the email provided below!

Project Highlights & Resources

Riley County Community Needs Assessment
In an effort to gain insights from the community for the purposes of planning and community improvement, Wichita State University’s Center for Applied Research and Evaluation (CARE) was contracted by the Flint Hills Wellness Coalition in 2015 and 2020 to conduct a community-wide needs assessment for Riley County, which included the compilation of selected secondary data, administration of a community survey, community member interviews, and focus groups.

Riley County Community Needs Assessment Website

Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund Evaluations
Early childhood provides a unique opportunity to provide powerful prevention and early intervention for school readiness with the potential for long term effects. The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund contracts with the Center for Applied Research and Evaluation to identify and implement common measurement to evaluate outcomes for early childhood programing across Kansas. Through the dedication and hard work of grantees across the state, consistent measures are collected for similar program types. The goal is to allow for continuous quality improvement for programs as well as a statewide evaluation of outcomes associated with early childhood programs.
Creating a Survey/Questionnaire
Although questionnaires/surveys are one of the most common methods of gathering information for evaluation purposes, it can be tricky to create a good one. Check out the resource below for tips to help increase the likelihood that your surveys measure what you intend, and in a consistent manner across all respondents.